Medical Research Opportunities

Infrastructure to facilitate your investigations

Medical Research Opportunities

Our experience and facilities make us the ideal partner for Universities and healthcare organizations looking to conduct short-term or long-term medical research in Peru.

Community health fairs

Each week our community health fairs take place in areas of the city with limited access to healthcare.  We provide free primary care consultations and medicine.  Where appropriate, we can integrate your research with our community health fairs.

Living and working in Trujillo

Our CME accredited medical Spanish  programs include the provision of private transport and accommodation.  Your healthcare professionals and/or students participating in research will have comfortable accommodation with our homestay families.  

Your researchers can also participate in our medical Spanish programs, developing their language skills in the afternoons while advancing their research in the mornings.

A reliable partner

We understand that each research program is different.  We can support your researchers while in Trujillo but can also carry out data collection for you and update you daily in your home country.

If you are interested in conducting research in Peru and would like to discuss the possibilities further, please do contact Kevin Hurley at [email protected]