Medicine Electives
Each month we receive final year medical students and residents from around the world. Most participants choose to come to Trujillo where we have a larger choice of rotations and a large team providing the medical Spanish program.
You have the option to take a clinical rotation and/or a medical Spanish program
Participants taking both clinical electives and medical Spanish take their hospital elective in the mornings and medical Spanish program in the afternoons.
When considering your medicine hospital rotation, it is important to consider both the area of medicine and the type of facility you would like to work in. For example, if your priority is to develop your language skills then Surgery in a large hospital may not be the ideal environment for you.
You may be better suited to a smaller facility or an area of medicine such as general medicine or pediatrics where you may have more opportunity for patient interaction.
Places are limited within departments so we do recommend that you book early for popular rotations. Please do contact us before booking for advice regarding the best placement for you.