Accommodation for partners or family members

Prospective participants sometimes ask if a partner or a parent can be accommodated with them at their homestay family.

Subject to availability, we can accommodate a partner or a family member. The cost is $260 per week. In return, we include the following:

  • A shared room with you, or a separate room if you prefer
  • Breakfast and lunch each day (Sundays breakfast only)
  • Membership of gym or salsa classes
  • Travel Insurance
  • Participation in student activities
  • Observation of community health fairs

Anna recently graduated residency and came to Trujillo with her father, Julian

General Spanish Course

Your partner or family member can participate in the general Spanish elements of the full medical Spanish program.  The medical Spanish course takes place each afternoon.  We divide the course into four components General conversation, General Vocabulary, General Grammar, and Pure Medical Spanish.

The three general Spanish elements of the above program (Conversation, General Spanish, and General Vocabulary) are geared towards healthcare and medicine but do not require detailed medical knowledge.  Non-healthcare professionals and students cannot participate in the pure medical Spanish element of the program.

The general Spanish program is $120 per week for 2 hours and 30 minutes per day (in the afternoons) or $200 per week for 4 hours per day (Mornings & afternoons)

Keeping busy

Most program participants choose to take clinical rotations in the mornings and medical Spanish program in the afternoons. Your partner/family member may choose to use the mornings to visit the gym, investigate the city or go to the beach. They also have the opportunity to participate in volunteering in Trujillo.   There are lots more activities for them to consider in Trujillo and further afield.