Hospital Victor Lazarte

Medicine, nursing, physical therapy, nutrition

Hospital Victor Lazarte is the most important Es Salud hospital in Trujillo and the region. Es Salud is the state health care system taking care of those with government-backed health insurance.

The hospital was founded in 1951 and partly rebuilt in 2008. It is located about 10 minutes from the center of the city.

The hospital is the best equipped in the city as well as being very busy. The hospital attends around 10,000 people a month in all areas of medicine. A teaching hospital, it is a popular place to work for local health professionals as well as students on placement.

This is a popular elective destination for Physical Therapy and Dietetics as well as Medicine and Nursing.

General Information

  • Number of beds
  • Hospital ownership
  • Teaching Hospital
  • 308
  • Es Salud government health care system
  • Yes
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