Primary Care Rotation

Most of our elective rotations are in a single area of medicine in one of the larger hospitals we work with.  For most participants this works well, as they rotate in the area they hope to be working in or are already working as professionals.

However, we do also offer a Primary Care Rotation, covering different areas of medicine, for those focused on a career in Primary Care, or would like to spend time in several areas of medicine whilst here.

Community Health Fairs

So, what is our Primary Care Rotation?

Participants taking this rotation will spend time in each of the following areas.

  • Pediatrics
  • General medicine
  • Ob/Gyn
  • Emergency

Much of your time will be spent with outpatient consultations.   You will be rotating each week between these different services, ensuring a varied primary care experience.

For those expressing an interest, you will also have the opportunity to spend some time in general surgery.

Where does the rotation take place?

The Primary Care Rotation takes place at the Centre of Medical Specialities at Florencia De Mora.  This large clinic has hospitalization for upto 14 patients and 2 operating rooms.  The clinic is located in Florenica, on the outskirts of Trujillo and is managed by UPAO University.

Florencia is a low income sector of the city and most patients have few resources.  Therefore the clinic has very low charges for its services.

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